
GPT-4 Projects Graduates

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An exercise where we ask GPT-4 to project the lives and progress of graduates at various points in time between 2000 and 2042. Model biases and stereotypes abound, but there is leading in the prompts posed.
An exercise where we ask GPT-4 to project the lives and progress of graduates at various points in time between 2000 and 2042. Model biases and stereotypes abound, but there is leading in the prompts posed.
The characters generated from this exercise are then re-imagined as an extended family attending a wedding in the story [[Spectral Mischief And Electric Slides]] which owes a deep debt to Tom Robbins for pinching his signature style.

== Alex - Class of '00 ==
== Alex - Class of '00 ==

Revision as of 19:52, 1 May 2023

An exercise where we ask GPT-4 to project the lives and progress of graduates at various points in time between 2000 and 2042. Model biases and stereotypes abound, but there is leading in the prompts posed.

The characters generated from this exercise are then re-imagined as an extended family attending a wedding in the story Spectral Mischief And Electric Slides which owes a deep debt to Tom Robbins for pinching his signature style.

Alex - Class of '00

The Prompt

The year is 2000, you've graduated from a liberal arts college in a major city with a degree in new media studies. you can't code, but used early internet technology and know your way around a computer. you get a job right out of school for a web design agency that will pay you $51,000 a year and teach you HTML. who are you, what happens in the next 3 years, what happens 5, 10 and 15 years after that. tell me about your economic and personal progress.

The Projection

In the year 2000, you are a 22-year-old recent graduate named Alex who is eager to start a career in the tech industry. You have just secured a job as a junior web designer at a web design agency called WebWave in the major city where you studied. You are excited about the opportunity to learn HTML and develop your skills in web design.

Years 1-3 (2000-2003): During the first three years, you gain valuable experience at WebWave, learning HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript. As you grow more confident in your skills, you take on more responsibilities and eventually get promoted to a mid-level web designer. You are able to save some money and establish a stable lifestyle. In your personal life, you make new friends at work, attend networking events, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Years 4-5 (2004-2005): By 2004, you have become a proficient web designer and decide to explore other opportunities. You land a job at a more prominent digital agency called PixelPioneers, which offers you a higher salary of $63,000 per year. This new job challenges you to learn more advanced technologies, such as PHP and Adobe Flash. You continue to grow professionally and personally, building a stronger network in the tech industry.

Years 6-10 (2006-2010): In this period, you keep up with the rapidly changing landscape of web design, learning new skills such as responsive design and user experience (UX) principles. By 2008, you are promoted to a senior web designer position, and your salary increases to $78,000 per year. You also start freelancing on the side, working on projects for small businesses and non-profit organizations. Your financial situation continues to improve, and you are able to buy your first home. In your personal life, you meet your significant other at a tech conference in 2009, and you two start a committed relationship.

Years 11-15 (2011-2015): In the early 2010s, you decide to take the leap and start your own web design consultancy. Your experience, skills, and network enable you to attract clients and maintain a steady income. By 2013, you are earning around $100,000 per year, and your business continues to grow. You marry your significant other in 2014 and decide to start a family. By 2015, you have achieved both financial stability and personal fulfillment through your career and family life.

Throughout these years, you have successfully navigated the fast-paced world of web design and technology, continuously adapting to new trends and expanding your skillset. Your economic and personal progress are a testament to your hard work, determination, and ability to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape.

Taylor - Class of '08

The Prompt

The year is 2008, you've graduated from a large research university in a major city with a degree political science and a minor in arabic. you can code but not at a high level, you're familiar with php, javascript and SQL. It's the middle of the global financial crisis and no one is hiring, economic activity is grinding to a halt and you've taken over the sub let of a room for the summer rather than move back home. who are you, what happens in the next 3 years, what happens 5, 10 and 15 years after that. tell me about your economic and personal progress.

The Projection

In the year 2008, you are a 22-year-old recent graduate named Taylor who is eager to start a career despite the challenging economic climate. You have a degree in political science and a minor in Arabic from a large research university, along with coding knowledge in PHP, JavaScript, and SQL. You're currently living in a sublet room in a major city, trying to make ends meet and find a job during the global financial crisis.

Years 1-3 (2008-2011): During these difficult times, you initially struggle to find a job related to your degree. You decide to take a part-time job as a web developer at a small startup, leveraging your coding skills to make ends meet. You continue to search for a more stable and fulfilling job, while also improving your coding skills and learning more about web development.

In 2010, as the economy begins to recover, you secure a position as a research analyst at a think tank focused on Middle Eastern affairs. You utilize your background in political science and Arabic, along with your coding abilities, to analyze data and contribute to policy reports. Your salary is modest, but you find the work fulfilling and are able to live more comfortably.

Years 4-5 (2012-2013): With a few years of experience under your belt, you are promoted to a senior research analyst at the think tank. Your salary increases, allowing you to save money and move into a better living situation. In 2013, you are given the opportunity to travel to the Middle East to conduct on-the-ground research, which further enriches your professional development and understanding of the region.

Years 6-10 (2014-2018): In 2014, you decide to further your education by enrolling in a Master's program in International Relations with a focus on the Middle East. You balance your studies with part-time work as a research consultant, utilizing both your political science knowledge and coding skills. You graduate in 2016 and secure a position as a foreign policy advisor for a government agency, earning a higher salary of around $70,000 per year.

During this time, you also find personal fulfillment by becoming involved in various community organizations and volunteering opportunities related to international relations and the Middle East. You build a strong network of friends and colleagues in your field.

Years 11-15 (2019-2023): As an experienced foreign policy advisor, you continue to make a significant impact on policy decisions related to the Middle East. Your salary increases steadily, reaching around $85,000 per year by 2023. In your personal life, you meet your significant other at a conference in 2021, and you two start a committed relationship.

Throughout these years, you have successfully navigated the challenges of the global financial crisis and managed to build a fulfilling career by combining your political science knowledge, language skills, and coding abilities. Your economic and personal progress are a testament to your determination, adaptability, and commitment to making a difference in the world.

Jamie - Class of '16

The Prompt

The year is 2016, you've graduated from a state school in the Midwest. even though you naturally gravitate towards the humanities, you got a degree in engineering with a minor in business management processes. you have $74,000 in student debt and move to chicago to find work. who are you, what happens in the next 3 years, what happens 5, 10 and 15 years after that. tell me about your economic and personal progress.

The Projection

In the year 2016, you are a 22-year-old recent graduate named Jamie who has earned an engineering degree with a minor in business management processes from a state school in the Midwest. Although you have an inclination towards humanities, you chose a practical career path to ensure financial stability. You have accumulated $74,000 in student debt and moved to Chicago to start your professional life.

Years 1-3 (2016-2019): You begin your career as a junior engineer at a mid-sized engineering firm in Chicago. Your starting salary is $60,000 per year, which allows you to make consistent payments towards your student loans while also covering your living expenses. You make an effort to network within the industry and attend professional development workshops to expand your skillset.

In 2018, you receive a promotion to a project engineer position, with an annual salary increase to $68,000. This promotion enables you to make larger payments towards your student debt while still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle. In your personal life, you join a local book club to stay connected to your passion for the humanities, and you make new friends with similar interests.

Years 4-5 (2020-2021): As your career progresses, you continue to gain experience and expertise in your field. By 2020, you land a job as a project manager at a larger engineering firm, with an annual salary of $80,000. With this increase in income, you are able to pay off your student loans by the end of 2021.

During this time, you also take on a leadership role in your book club and start volunteering at a local community center to teach engineering and business skills to underprivileged youth. This allows you to merge your passion for humanities with your professional expertise.

Years 6-10 (2022-2026): As an experienced project manager, you continue to excel in your career. By 2024, your annual salary reaches $95,000. With your student loans paid off, you start saving for a down payment on a house and contribute more towards your retirement savings.

In your personal life, you meet your significant other through a mutual friend in 2023, and the two of you start a committed relationship. You continue to be involved in your community, finding fulfillment in both your professional and personal endeavors.

Years 11-15 (2027-2031): By 2027, you have achieved a senior management position at your engineering firm, earning an annual salary of $120,000. You buy a house in a Chicago suburb and continue to invest in your retirement savings.

In your personal life, you marry your significant other in 2029 and decide to start a family. Throughout these years, you have successfully combined your engineering expertise with your passion for humanities and community involvement, achieving both financial stability and personal fulfillment.

Jordan - Class of '23

The Prompt

The year is 2023, you've graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in computer science focusing on data architecture. You were a mid-level student only because you worked extremely hard to keep your grades at a B- level. This is not a field you are naturally gifted in, but your local education system was entirely STEM focused and were never really exposed to the humanities besides a few great american novels taught in English, like the Sun Also Rises. You are entering a wobbly job market as AI coding comes online and is ready to revolutionize work. who are you, what happens in the next 3 years, what happens 5, 10 and 15 years after that. tell me about your economic and personal progress.

The Projection

In the year 2023, you are a 22-year-old recent graduate named Jordan who has earned a computer science degree with a focus on data architecture from Texas A&M. Although your academic performance was average, you have worked extremely hard to maintain a B- average throughout your studies. You have a growing curiosity about the humanities, but your local education system primarily emphasized STEM subjects. As you enter the job market, you face uncertainty due to the increasing adoption of AI coding and its potential impact on the workforce.

Years 1-3 (2023-2026): Despite the competitive job market, you manage to land a junior data architect position at a mid-sized tech company, with a starting salary of $65,000 per year. You are determined to succeed and continue to work hard to improve your skills and adapt to the evolving industry.

In 2024, you decide to explore your interest in humanities by enrolling in evening classes at a local community college, where you take courses in literature, philosophy, and history. This newfound passion enriches your life and helps you develop a more well-rounded perspective.

Years 4-5 (2027-2028): Your hard work and dedication pay off as you are promoted to a data architect position, with an annual salary increase to $75,000. You continue to balance your career with your pursuit of the humanities, and you begin to explore ways to integrate these two seemingly disparate fields.

In your personal life, you join a local book club and start attending cultural events, which helps you build a diverse network of friends and expand your horizons.

Years 6-10 (2029-2033): In 2029, you decide to take a bold step and transition to a career that combines your expertise in computer science with your passion for the humanities. You become a data analyst for a cultural institution, using your technical skills to analyze and interpret information that helps inform programming and exhibitions.

Your annual salary is $85,000, and you are able to pay off your student loans and achieve financial stability. In your personal life, you meet your significant other at a cultural event in 2031, and you two begin a committed relationship.

Years 11-15 (2034-2038): By 2034, you are established in your new career and have made a name for yourself as an expert in using data analysis to enhance cultural experiences. You are promoted to a managerial position at the cultural institution, earning an annual salary of $100,000.

You marry your significant other in 2035 and start a family. Throughout these years, you have successfully navigated the challenges of a rapidly changing job market, adapted to new technologies, and built a fulfilling career that combines your passion for computer science and the humanities. Your economic and personal progress reflects your resilience, adaptability, and commitment to lifelong learning.

Alex - Class of '29

The Prompt

The year is 2029. While others in your generation had to make the hard decisions about whether a higher education was worth the cost, you did not. Your parents did well for themselves. One built and sold a successful ad tech product in the 2010s, while the other was a lobbyist which crafted legislation benefitting that industry. You could do anywhere and do anything with your life and your parents kept you involved in a series of enriching extra cirricular activities growing up from sports to theater to elite service oriented groups. Where did you go and what degree did you graduate with. Beyond that, who are you, what happens in the next 3 years, what happens 5, 10 and 15 years after that. tell me about your economic and personal progress.

The Projection

In the year 2029, you are a 22-year-old recent graduate named Alex, who has been fortunate enough to have the financial support of your successful parents. You have had a well-rounded upbringing, participating in various extracurricular activities such as sports, theater, and elite service-oriented groups. With the freedom to choose any path, you decided to attend an Ivy League university, pursuing a degree in Environmental Science and Policy, motivated by your desire to make a positive impact on the world.

Years 1-3 (2029-2032): Upon graduation, you secure a position as a research associate at a renowned environmental non-profit organization. Your starting salary is $55,000, which is modest compared to your peers, but you are passionate about the cause and dedicated to making a difference. During these years, you also volunteer for community-based environmental projects and network with like-minded individuals in the field.

In your personal life, you continue to explore your interests in sports and theater, joining local clubs and attending events. This not only keeps you connected to your passions but also helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Years 4-5 (2033-2034): Your dedication to the environmental cause does not go unnoticed, and you are promoted to a project manager position at the non-profit organization, with an increased annual salary of $70,000. You also pursue a Master's degree in Environmental Policy part-time, broadening your knowledge and expertise.

In 2034, you meet your significant other at a volunteer event, and you start a committed relationship based on your shared values and interests.

Years 6-10 (2035-2039): With your Master's degree completed, you secure a position as a policy advisor for a government agency, focusing on environmental issues. Your annual salary reaches $90,000, and you play a key role in shaping sustainable policies and initiatives.

During this time, you and your significant other decide to get married and start a family. You also become more involved in local environmental advocacy groups, leading campaigns and raising awareness about various issues.

Years 11-15 (2040-2044): By 2040, you have established yourself as an influential figure in the environmental policy field. You are appointed as the director of a national environmental agency, earning an annual salary of $120,000.

Throughout these years, you have successfully navigated the challenges of an ever-changing world and have used your privileged background to make a positive impact on society. Your economic and personal progress are a testament to your dedication to the environment, your resilience, and your commitment to making the world a better place for future generations.

Casey - Class of '37

The Prompt

The year is 2037. The government paid you to go to college to study anything you wanted as part of its massive transition stimulus program as AI and automation reorients the entire economy. When you entered college you didn't even know if work would exist when you graduated and were not sure what to study so you learned a bit of everything. Where did you go and what degree did you graduate with. Beyond that, who are you, what happens in the next 3 years, what happens 5, 10 and 15 years after that. tell me about your economic and personal progress.

The Projection

In the year 2037, you are a 22-year-old recent graduate named Casey, who was fortunate enough to benefit from the government's massive transition stimulus program, designed to support higher education as AI and automation reshape the economy. With uncertainty about the future job market, you decided to attend a well-regarded liberal arts college to study a wide range of subjects. You ultimately graduated with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, combining your diverse interests and skills.

Years 1-3 (2037-2040): After graduation, you land a job as a project coordinator at a large non-profit organization that focuses on re-skilling and workforce development. Your starting salary is $50,000 per year, which allows you to live comfortably while also saving money. In this role, you leverage your interdisciplinary background to develop and manage programs that help others adapt to the rapidly changing job market.

In your personal life, you continue to explore your varied interests by joining clubs and participating in activities related to art, technology, and social issues.

Years 4-5 (2041-2042): Your dedication to helping others transition into new careers in the age of AI and automation earns you a promotion to a program manager position, with an annual salary increase to $65,000. During this time, you also decide to pursue a part-time Master's degree in Public Administration to further your understanding of policy and program management.

In 2042, you meet your significant other at a social event organized by one of the clubs you participate in, and you begin a committed relationship.

Years 6-10 (2043-2047): With your Master's degree completed, you secure a position as a policy advisor at a government agency that focuses on workforce development and social welfare in the era of AI and automation. Your annual salary reaches $80,000, and you play a key role in shaping policies and initiatives that ensure an equitable distribution of opportunities and resources.

During this time, you and your significant other decide to get married and start a family. You also become more involved in local community projects, using your interdisciplinary background and policy expertise to create positive change.

Years 11-15 (2048-2052): By 2048, you have established yourself as an expert in navigating the challenges posed by AI and automation on the workforce. You are appointed as the director of a regional workforce development agency, earning an annual salary of $110,000.

Throughout these years, you have successfully adapted to the rapidly changing economic landscape and used your interdisciplinary education to make a significant impact on society. Your economic and personal progress are a testament to your dedication to helping others, your adaptability, and your commitment to creating a more equitable future in the age of AI and automation.

Taylor - Class of '46

The Prompt

The year is 2046. You are 22 years old and ready to enter adulthood. What did you spend the last four years doing. Who are you? Beyond that, who are you, what happens in the next 3 years, what happens 5, 10 and 15 years after that. tell me about your economic and personal progress.

The Projection

In the year 2046, you are a 22-year-old named Taylor, who has just completed a four-year apprenticeship in renewable energy technology. Growing up in a world where climate change and environmental sustainability are top priorities, you decided to forgo the traditional college route and instead gain practical skills that would have a direct impact on the world.

Years 1-3 (2046-2049): After completing your apprenticeship, you secure a position as a renewable energy technician at a leading solar power company. Your starting salary is $55,000 per year, which allows you to live comfortably while also saving for the future. In this role, you contribute to the ongoing transition to clean, renewable energy sources.

In your personal life, you enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and camping, and you become involved in local environmental advocacy groups, where you meet like-minded individuals and form strong friendships.

Years 4-5 (2050-2051): Your dedication and skill in the renewable energy field lead to a promotion to a project manager position, with an annual salary increase to $75,000. In this role, you oversee the implementation of solar power installations in both residential and commercial settings.

During this time, you meet your significant other at an environmental conference, and you begin a committed relationship based on your shared values and interests.

Years 6-10 (2052-2056): As renewable energy technology continues to advance, you decide to further your education by pursuing a part-time Master's degree in Sustainable Energy Management. This degree broadens your expertise and opens up new opportunities within the field.

By 2054, you secure a position as a sustainability consultant for a large corporation, helping them transition to more environmentally friendly practices. Your annual salary reaches $90,000, allowing you to achieve financial stability and invest in your future.

Years 11-15 (2057-2061): By 2057, you have become an expert in renewable energy and sustainability, and you decide to start your own consulting firm, which focuses on helping businesses and communities transition to clean energy sources. Your firm is successful, and your annual income increases to $130,000.

Throughout these years, you marry your significant other and start a family. Your economic and personal progress is a testament to your dedication to environmental sustainability, your adaptability, and your commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

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