
CERN IS Supercollidor Development Report

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Report for the CERN Governing Board Subject: Developments at the Ivanpah Supercollider (IS) Date: January 12th, 2006

Dear Members of the Board,

We hereby submit a comprehensive report on the developments at the Ivanpah Supercollider (IS), the rapidly progressing particle accelerator project in the United States.

Since its inception, the IS has attracted considerable attention worldwide, partly due to the project's astonishing pace of construction and partly due to its intense secrecy. Despite our various attempts to establish contact and engage in professional dialogue, all overtures have been rebuffed, marking a stark deviation from the traditional open-collaboration ethos of the scientific community.

The IS's development timeline is remarkably ambitious, with the pace of construction that has set a new precedent in the field. This accelerated development trajectory poses critical questions regarding their capability to implement safety protocols, quality controls, and adherence to the internationally accepted standards of particle accelerator design and operation.

An independent investigation has revealed striking similarities between the IS and our own Large Hadron Collider. From broad conceptual outlines to intricate technical specifications, there is a disturbing extent of mirroring that has raised concerns about potential infringement of intellectual property rights. Furthermore, several vendors who have historically supplied components and systems to our projects have also engaged with the IS.

While some level of technological overlap is inevitable given the specialized nature of the components involved in the construction of a supercollider, the scale at which this has occurred in the IS project is unprecedented. Yet, despite our initial concerns, after extensive legal counsel, we have found no course for remediation.

The crux of the issue revolves around the public funding nature of our research. The knowledge and advancements developed at CERN are in the public domain, intended for the advancement of humankind. This open-source ethos facilitates extraordinary levels of innovation in the field of particle physics. However, it also leaves us with limited legal recourse as any entity - private or public - can legally utilize the public domain information for their projects. This loophole is what the IS project seems to have exploited, using our research and developments, possibly enhanced by significant private capital.

In light of these developments, we strongly recommend that the Board consider instituting non-compete clauses in the contracts of key staff members, despite potential resistance from our academic community. Such clauses would serve as an additional layer of protection for our proprietary technologies and methods, especially in an era where high-tech projects are increasingly pursued by private entities with significant resources.

This measure may be met with significant pushback due to its deviation from our traditional norms and the open-collaboration ethos of the scientific community. However, we believe this step is necessary to prevent future potential misappropriations of our research and developments.

In conclusion, while we must continue to monitor the developments at the IS, it is vital to remember our guiding principles and the open, collaborative nature of our work. We must continue to promote scientific discovery and advancement while ensuring that our work is used responsibly and ethically across the globe.

An eighty-six page report follows this cover letter with additional addendums to be published within two weeks.

Yours sincerely,

Marlene Broussard Chief CERN Liaison Offenthorpe Technical Engineering

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