
Main Page

Revision as of 14:42, 6 December 2022 by Spaceman (talk | contribs) (→‎Our Stories)

Welcome to Blockstar!

Blockstar creates worlds where our readers can participate and help shape our stories. Our readers can use Blockstar to make their content, or they can contribute to the stories and worlds that we create. We hope you will join us on this journey to create a place where creativity and collaboration come together to create something new and exciting.

Our Stories

Below you'll find our existing collection of stories. Read, remix and expand as we build worlds together.


Set in the bubble of 2017, REKT is a provocative page-turner that warps its characters to the destabilizing logic of life inside cryptomania. A partnership is tested as a trio of founders struggle to make their stablecoin legit, cash in on opportunity, and navigate what they owe to each other.

As a shot at fortune descends into a fight for survival, each twist draws them deeper into chaos. The goal was to get rich, but now the race is on to get out before getting REKT.

The Last Network

Amoral and out for revenge, Rabbit Wilson, has created the world’s most powerful social network. The technology is mind blowing, and everyone wants it. The thing is, Rabbit is not the sharing type. He’d ruin everyone before going back to his old life. While Rabbit battles Silicon Valley, temptation lurks inside the Last Network. Travel deep into tech’s heart of darkness in this gripping, fast paced thriller where everyone has an angle and the product is the criminal. Can anyone control the Last Network, or will Rabbit’s creation be his destruction?