
The Last Network - Chapter 19

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Pep Talk

Paolo looked at his ink-smeared palm. After trying apps, reminders, and paper lists, his palm ended up being his most trusted organizer. It was impossible to lose, and a quick turn of the wrist showed everything left to do. He licked his opposite thumb and erased Mumbai from his skin. Peared was not running missions to that island. Users alerted the app the bridge was out, and the system removed the mission, exactly according to protocol.

It was one less thing for Paolo to worry about. Death would have been a major bummer and thrown the team into chaos. As it was, Paolo could barely keep up with his new responsibilities. Three months after launch, Peared was up to five million users and his group had grown to over forty people. He’d been comfortable being a specialist, the guy they called in to crack the toughest nuts. Now, they wanted him to shift gears and keep track of everything. At times he felt like he was drowning.

They were outgrowing their wing on the Vampire Floor. While there was now fresh coffee in the morning, the night shift was getting upset at the sprawling day timers. Every day there’d be a new set of angry notes pinned to his command tent. Kendra was going to move the team somewhere soon. She was also getting him a capable number two. He desperately needed an experienced manager to oversee the day-to-day. Paolo belonged out on the bleeding edge. He was tasked with growth, but he spent his time worrying who was on pager duty.

His phone buzzed. It was Rabbit; Paolo had forgotten to call him.

“Paolo here.”

“Am I going to get a report on Mumbai?”

“Sorry. I’ve had a lot going on. We are clear there.”

“I figured as much. Had someone died you would have called me. You sound stressed. Having trouble keeping up?”

“A bit. How do you do it?”

“At this point it’s second nature. Don’t worry, you’ll get there. Managing is an acquired skill—it’s repetition and experience. Accumulated wisdom. No one starts out good at it. You’ll grow up quick.”

“Why would I want to become a manager?”

“You’ll need it when you become one of us Paolo. I’m sure there’s an idea somewhere inside of you. If not, I’m sure you have that drive to create something for yourself. You’re too smart not to.”

“Thanks Rabbit. I appreciate the compliment.”

“I don’t usually go easy on people, but you sound like you could use it. You remind me of myself Paolo. The younger me, the one that was good, not the ass I am now. This may seem a little overwhelming, but you have what it takes. What is about to happen at Peared—what you are going to make happen—it’s going to change everything about you for the better. You will be tested in ways you never imagined. You will develop skills you never dreamed possible. When it’s over, you’ll have the confidence to do anything in the world. You already have the smarts.”

“It doesn’t feel that way.”

“That’s because you are in it. It will get dark for sure. There will be times when you won’t feel human, but keep pushing through and you’ll get there. You feel better? I can keep going with this speech if you need more. Whatever it takes to keep our star going.”

“Thanks Rabbit. I’m good.”

“Anytime Paolo. I’ve been in some bad shit. There were times when I could have used someone who understood. If you find yourself there, let me know. I’m here for you.”

“I will.”


Scene 19


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