
The Last Network - Chapter 58

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Another Closes

They were halfway through coffee in the lobby lounge at the Beverly Hilton. Rabbit had not been in there since they closed Trader Vic’s. The place still looked good, but of course it would. He stared across the small table at Terry Walker and studied the man. He hadn’t expected so much small talk. Terry was the all business sort. Fifteen minutes in, Rabbit realized he was a curiosity to Terry. His reputation preceded him.

Rabbit decided he’d had enough of being examined. He turned the conversation to the matter at hand.

“You didn’t need to do this in person,” Rabbit said. “A phone call would have been enough.”

“I know, but I was in town and it felt like the right thing to do. I prefer to deliver important news in person. Some people appreciate it.”

“It’s a nice gesture, but I suspect the news is the news no matter the setting or delivery.”

“I suppose,” Terry said. A waiter topped their cups up. “Have you spoken with Kendra lately?”

“Not since she was forced out. I should check in on her. She seemed preoccupied just before her ‘resignation.’ We’d drifted some once Peared assumed a regular operational pattern.”

“But she did give you an inkling of what was coming.” Terry reached into his jacket pocket, took out his own brand of sweetener, and poured it into his coffee.

“She sure did. I can quote the section of the contract you are about to invoke. Verbatim.”

“The part about the six-month wind down period? Well, you know how the mechanics work then.” Terry lifted his spoon out of his cup and waved it towards Rabbit. “Here’s the verbal notice. Rabbit Wilson, NAM is ending our relationship with Peared. We’ll assist you for a period of six months starting today. You’ll have our written notice this afternoon.”

“There’s that news. The coffee here is a lot better than our office, so I suppose there’s that. You are shelving Paolo’s team?” Rabbit asked.

“We have to. Too many dark arts in there. No other way to sell NAM.”

“There’s always another way, you know that Terry. Everyone does. My experience is that there’s usually only one way to maximize the sale price. Let me guess, this is it.”

“That’s not something I can discuss with you.”

“Nor can you tell me who you are selling it to?” Rabbit leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper. “You can’t tell me that it’s Automata?”

Terry put his coffee mug down and looked across at Rabbit. He blinked a couple times, then picked his mug up. It was a tell for sure. Rabbit could read that clear as day.

“No, I can’t discuss which parties are involved in the process.”

“Of course. I understand.” Rabbit leaned back and pushed his chair up onto the back legs. “Tell me this Terry, since we have the time, what would you do in my shoes?”

“I’d sell. Get out while you still can.” Terry picked the spoon back up, he looked at it for a moment, then poked it in the air towards Rabbit. “This game is all inside baseball now, and you are an outsider.”

“Who says I want to sell?”

“It’s not a matter of wanting. It’s a matter of getting what you can while there’s still something left.” The spoon back into the cup, stirring the bottom.

“What’re my alternatives?”

“Wither and die. I heard most of your company is following Sonny and moving to Pasadena without you. Now you are losing your back office at NAM. Em and Kendra are gone. Retaining Paolo is very important for us. His group might be done, but we still want him. Don’t count on keeping him. That would be a miscalculation. Tell me, when was the last time you hired someone? I’m trying to see a play here Rabbit, but you are suffering from some serious brain drain.”

“Yeah, I’m short. Very short.” Rabbit’s hands rapped the table.  “It’s been a rather rapid exodus. Could be a miserable coincidence, or someone could be pulling the strings on this. Thorn perhaps.”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Rabbit. You barely register up there.”

“That’s not the way I see things. When Automata overpays for NAM, I’ll know I don’t need glasses. You are carrying water for that asshole and he is paying a premium for it. Look, I appreciate you doing this in person, but give me something I can actually work with Terry. It was a thirty-minute drive for Christ sakes.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are shutting my back office down. I get it, your fund’s performance comes first, but you just shot my business in the heart. Give me a band-aid at least.”

“Look Rabbit, it’s nothing personal. You want a band-aid? There is a Dutch company called Garmont that can replace us. They are pricks to do business with, but once you buy their gear, they’ll give you top notch support and installation. Get them plugged in early while we are still in a wind down. It will learn how NAM is running Peared and pick up 95% of it. Setup shop offshore. Somewhere cheap. Garmont has a professional services division. Hire them for a year to train your new people and it will be like you never missed a beat.”

“Garmont huh? They’ve been pestering me for a meeting for months.”

“Look into them, Rabbit. Like I said, they are pricks to negotiate with, but you seem like the sort that can manage that. If you want to go it alone, that’s your best bet for remaining independent.”

Rabbit finished his coffee. “Thanks Terry. I appreciate that. I’m not done yet. You’ll see.”

“Rabbit, if you want to take the more sensible road, call me up. I know a few people that would buy you.”

“Thorn had a chance to be sensible. I’m afraid we’re all well past that now.”


Scene 58


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