
Special: ListDatatypes

This is a list of all data types with the corresponding value types available on this installation:
Commons media (string)
Link to files stored at Wikimedia Commons. When a value is entered, the "File" namespace on Commons will be searched for matching files.
The value type for this data type is string.

List of Properties with this data type

Geographic shape (string)
Link to geographic map data stored on Wikimedia Commons (or other configured wiki). See "" for more documentation about map data.
The value type for this data type is string.

List of Properties with this data type

Tabular data (string)
Link to tabular data stored on Wikimedia Commons (or other configured wiki). See "" for more documentation about tabular data.
The value type for this data type is string.

List of Properties with this data type

Entity Schema (string)
Link to Entity Schemas stored in the configured namespace in the same wiki. The value must be without the "EntitySchema:" namespace prefix
The value type for this data type is string.

List of Properties with this data type

URL (string)
Literal data field for a URL. URLs are restricted to the protocols also supported for external links in wikitext.
The value type for this data type is string.

List of Properties with this data type

External identifier (string)
Literal data field for an external identifier. External identifiers may automatically be linked to an authoritative resource for display.
The value type for this data type is string.

List of Properties with this data type

Item (Wikibase entity id)
Link to other Items on the project. When a value is entered, the project's "Item" namespace will be searched for matching Items.
The value type for this data type is wikibase-entityid.

List of Properties with this data type

Property (Wikibase entity id)
Link to Properties on the project. When a value is entered, the project's "Property" namespace will be searched for matching Properties.
The value type for this data type is wikibase-entityid.

List of Properties with this data type

Globe coordinate (globe coordinate)

Literal data for a geographical position given as a latitude-longitude pair in gms or decimal degrees for the given stellar body. Defaults to "Earth" and then "WGS84". It adds a resolution and range.

  • latitude – implicit first part (float, dms, dm, dd) of the coordinate string, direction is either given by prefixed sign or by postfixed N/S
  • longitude – implicit second part (float, dms, dm, dd) of the coordinate string, direction is either given by prefixed sign or by postfixed E/W
  • globe – explicit (?) data value, given as stellar body that defaults to Earth ""
  • precision - numeric precision of the coordinate
The value type for this data type is globecoordinate.

List of Properties with this data type

Monolingual text (monolingual text)

Literal data field for a string that is not translated into other languages. This type of string is defined once and reused across all languages. Typical use is a geographical names written in the local language, an identifier of some kind, a chemical formula or a Latin scientific name.

  • language – explicit value for identifying the language for the text part
  • value – explicit value for the language specific variant string
The value type for this data type is monolingualtext.

List of Properties with this data type

Quantity (quantity)

Literal data field for a quantity that relates to some kind of well-defined unit. The actual unit goes in the data values that is entered.

  • amount – implicit part of the string (mapping of unit prefix is unclear)
  • unit – implicit part of the string that defaults to "1" (mapping to standardizing body is unclear)
  • upperbound - quantity's upper bound
  • lowerbound - quantity's lower bound
The value type for this data type is quantity.

List of Properties with this data type

String (string)

Literal data field for a string of glyphs. Typical use are identifiers that have written forms which do not depend on the language of the reader.

  • value – explicit value for the language specific variant string
The value type for this data type is string.

List of Properties with this data type

Time (time)

Literal data field for a point in time. Given as a date and time with some precision and boundaries. The time is saved internally in the specified calendar model.

  • time – explicit value for point in time, represented as a timestamp resembling ISO 8601, e.g. +2013-01-01T00:00:00Z. The year is always signed and padded to have between 4 and 16 digits.
  • timezone – explicit value as a signed integer. Timezone information as an offset from UTC in minutes.
  • before – explicit integer value for how many units after the given time it could be. The unit is given by the precision.
  • after – explicit integer value for how many units before the given time it could be. The unit is given by the precision.
  • precision – explicit value encoded in a shortint. The numbers have the following meaning: 0 - billion years, 1 - hundred million years, ..., 6 - millennium, 7 - century, 8 - decade, 9 - year, 10 - month, 11 - day, 12 - hour, 13 - minute, 14 - second.
  • calendarmodel – explicit value given as a URI. It identifies the calendar model of the timestamp.
The value type for this data type is time.

List of Properties with this data type